OCIN·Innovation|Successful Conclusion of OCIN 2023, the Second Stop of the Eighth Phase of CCI Innovation Institute

The eighth phase of the CCI Innovation Institute marked its successful second stop, orchestrated jointly by the Chinese Cardiovascular Doctors Innovation Club (CCI) and the Oriental Cerebrovascular Innovation Club (OCI). This event took place on October 21–22, 2023, coinciding with the Oriental Conference of Interventional Neurovascology (OCIN 2023) and the Academic Annual Meeting of the Stroke Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association. Bringing together a hundred aspiring doctors, engineers, and corporate students from across the country, the gathering in Shanghai centered on the fusion of medicine and engineering, catalyzing discussions on the frontier of medical innovation and transformation.

Professor Dave Ferrera, founder and CEO of Infinity Neuro, offered insights into the strategic transformation and commercialization of cutting-edge medical technologies. Meanwhile, Professor Vitor Pereira, from the University of Toronto and St. Michael's Hospital, delved into the successful evolution of the RADIS laboratory into a pioneering research hub seamlessly merging research, innovation, and transformative initiatives. Additionally, Professor Song Zhijian, the Director of Fudan University's Digital Medicine Research Center, showcased the center's remarkable journey in leveraging the convergence of medicine and engineering to yield groundbreaking outcomes.

Mr. Liang Dongke, the general manager of Shanghai Kindly Medical Instruments Co., Ltd., delved into the intricate challenges and underlying causes within clinical transformation. His expertise extended to the symbiotic integration of engineering and medicine, elucidating their harmonious collaboration in crafting pioneering medical devices. Meanwhile, Mr. Ma Yongli from China Patent Agency (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., delivered an illuminating presentation titled "Layout and Analysis of Cardiovascular Medical Device Patents." This discourse navigated the nuanced realm of patent drafting in cardiovascular technology. Furthermore, Professor Tu Shengxian, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, provided a comprehensive exposition on the evolutionary trajectory within clinical innovation, traversing from invasive coronary function to the cutting-edge realm of computational coronary function technologies.

Mr. Xu Xiao, founder and CEO of Shanghai Maillife Network Technology Co., Ltd., illuminated the application of digital medicine in the cardiovascular healthcare. Meanwhile, Mr. Weng Yulin, founder and CEO of Dingke Medical, shared the company's historical evolution alongside personal insights on innovation and entrepreneurship. Professor Xiong Lize, from Shanghai Fourth People's Hospital, elucidated on the theme of "Amplifying Healthcare Value Through Medical Innovation." Additionally, Professor Cheng Leilei, from Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University , detailed the establishment of a self-sustaining ecosystem by creating a closed loop for the transformation of scientific and technological innovation. Lastly, Professor Xia Min, representing the First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China, highlighted the pivotal role of innovation transformation from a clinician's perspective.

In OCIN 2021, OCI was officially established and entered into a strategic cooperation with CCI.

At OCIN 2022, the Oriental Pan-Vascular Device Innovation Institute was established through a collaborative effort between CCI, OCI, and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. This institute's chief objective is to cultivate visionary talents adept in both engineering and medical fields, fostering innovative thinking and high proficiency.

The synergy of these fields unites doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors, fostering a collaborative space for innovation—a test bed where any creative idea can take root, propagate, and thrive.

"Across medical specialties, from neurosurgery to cerebrovascular disease and beyond, one central challenge unites all professionals: optimizing patient care outcomes. This enduring issue persists from decades past, prompting a crucial question—how can we effectively address this challenge? To forge ahead and create novel evidence, treatments, tools, medications, and transformative standards, a relentless pursuit of research and innovation remains imperative. It's through this ongoing dedication that we can consistently elevate and refine patient outcomes."
When addressing the perpetual drive for innovation among individuals and teams, Professor Liu Jianmin, Chairman of the OCIN Conference and affiliated with the First Affiliated Hospital of the Naval Medical University, articulated his perspective.

The event culminated in success, thanks to the enthusiastic engagement and active involvement of all the staff members.