OCIN·Research丨Four MT researches launched at OCIN2023

The Oriental Collaboration group on Emerging Advanced therapy for Neurovascular diseases (OCEAN) initiated and launched four MT researches, namely the ENCHANTED-3/MT, AEDH-MT, PARAT-MT, and AVM-MT, during OCIN 2023 on October 20, 2023. Multiple national and international specialists in cerebrovascular illness were present when the research was formally launched. Key participants in related studies also gave reports on the strategy and background of the research.


The ENCHANTED-2/MT results, which provided high-level evidence support for blood pressure management following mechanical thrombectomy and recanalization in acute ischemic stroke, were published in The Lancet in 2022. According to Professor Craig Anderson, the ENCHANTED-3/MT research will continue to investigate the ideal blood pressure goal range for blood pressure management in ischemic stroke while also optimizing techniques and data analytics.


According to Professor Liu Jianmin, the goal of the AEDH-MT research is to assess the efficacy of middle meningeal artery embolization in the early management of patients with mild to moderate acute epidural hematomas. Specifically, the research aims to determine whether patients who undergo middle meningeal artery embolization have a lower risk of stroke and a lower likelihood of needing a craniotomy when compared to those who receive traditional medication treatment.  There will be a recruitment of 20–30 neurosurgery and neurointerventional centers.


Professor Zhao Rui introduced that PARAT-MT is a prospective, multi-center, randomized controlled, open-label, blinded endpoint assessment trial. In order to determine whether patients with small intracranial aneurysms treated with flow diversion devices (FD) have better clinical outcomes than those treated with traditional interventional therapy, the research will examine the safety and efficacy of FD. Twenty to thirty centers are expected to participate.


Transvenous embolization (TVE) as a treatment for bAVM has gained significant clinical attention, according to Dr. Duan Guoli, as a result of technological advancements. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of uniform technical criteria, and high-quality RCT studies are desperately needed to offer evidence-based medical data for the safety and efficacy of this treatment. The center took the initiative to conduct this research, the first RCT investigation of TVE in the treatment of bAVM in China, in light of the aforementioned problems.

OCEAN had their annual plenary meeting on the same day. Each member of the collaboration group reported and provided an overview of the various research projects' development in addition to sharing their experiences working in exceptional clinical research departments.

Founded in 2020, OCEAN consists of 8 governance units and 10 core units. The MAGIC-MT research concluded patient recruitment in May after hosting its fifth DSMB meeting on February 23 of this year. Current work on imaging and end-point event analysis is anticipated to be presented at the World Stroke Congress next year. The first patients in the LATE-MT and PROTECT-MT researches were enrolled in November of last year and February of this year, respectively. Both researches have been submitted to an independent DSMB for preliminary analysis. All LATE-MT and ICAS-MT researcher meetings took place concurrently during the meeting. Relevant units engaged in-depth talks on important topics in research development and collaborated to build comprehensive strategies for the two projects' steady advancement.

This year, the collaboration group launched a registration study on the endovascular treatment of acute blood-borne stroke, with the goal of enrolling over 10,000 cases in 30–40 hospitals nationwide. Artificial intelligence identification is used for case data collection. The data collection system aims to implement a stricter and more effective research case registration process, encourage the completion of research with high standards and quality, and further align China's evidence-based research data with worldwide standards. The collaboration group will keep concentrating on multi-center and prospective cohort research related to AVM, AIS, and vertebral artery disease in the future.