OCIN 2023丨OCIN YOUNG sets sail!Fostering China's future neurointerventional strength

OCIN YOUNG, a training platform for young neurointerventional doctors developed in collaboration with numerous domestic neurointerventional facilities and Professor Liu Jianmin's team from the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, was formally founded on October 22, 2023, during OCIN 2023.

Professor Liu Jianmin from the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, Professor Wu Zhongxue from Beijing Tiantan Hospital, and Professor Jens Fiehler from the Neuroradiology Department of the University of Hamburg and former president of ESMINT all gave remarks.

According to Professor Liu Jianmin, the advancement of neurointervention in China depends on finding ways to provide the next generation with a wider viewpoint. There is already an established and structured system for young doctors’ training overseas. You can sense their confidence and understanding of contemporary issues during the conversations. The goal of OCIN YOUNG is to train such youth and bring in new blood to further the development of neurointervention both domestically and globally.

Young people are crucial for the future of neurointervention in China, according to Professor Wu Zhongxue. OCIN YOUNG has created a platform for collaboration, communication, and growth for aspiring young people. He believes that everyone may inject fresh vitality to China's neurointervention growth.

Professor Jens Fiehler introduced the current series of young physician training programs between OCIN and ESMINT. He hoped that the two parties could further strengthen cooperation in the future, and also expected more people to join the ranks of neurointerventional education, cultivate more talents through OCIN YOUNG, and promote the development of neurointerventional education.

Professor Guan Sheng of Zhengzhou University's First Affiliated Hospital, stated when speaking on behalf of the mentors that the goal of OCIN YOUNG is to provide exceptional young physicians with the opportunity to improve themselves and take the lead of the development of neurointervention in China in the future.

Professor Yang Pengfei of the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University expounded the concept behind the OCIN YOUNG logo.

The image of OCIN YOUNG's logo depicts a person sprinting ahead atop the waves. The figure standing atop the waves suggests that the platform will assist the young people who are dynamic. The overall design conveys the expectation and hope that the youth on this platform can move forward with courage.

Professor Yang Pengfei noted that in order to comply with the global development trend of cerebrovascular diagnosis and treatment, OCIN has successively established OCIN EDUCATION, OCIN RESEARCH, and OCIN INNOVATION to build platforms in three aspects: standardized training, normalized research, and diversified innovation. OCIN YOUNG relies on the aforementioned three key platforms to support exceptional young doctors in China.

The first OCIN YOUNG members,29 in all, were chosen from 26 hospitals spread over 14 regions in the nationlist appended at the end of the article. A mentoring group of eminent academics from renowned neurointerventional facilities around the nation was established to offer one-on-one instruction. Under the direction of Professor Xu Yi of the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, members of the mentoring group awarded certificates to the first trainees at the OCIN2023 closing ceremony.

Professors He Yingkun from Henan Provincial People's Hospital and Professor Zeng Yiyong from the First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University, who are representatives of the OCIN YOUNG Youth Committee, both expressed their belief that OCIN YOUNG can advance the development of the neurointerventional field and realize the value of life and social responsibility of young doctors through collaborative efforts. The first OCIN YOUNG members will put in a lot of effort in technological innovation, clinical research, and achievement transformation so as to internationalize Chinese neurointerventional technology, according to Professor Wu Pei, a representative of young doctors and the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University. They will also help to.

Attached: List of members of the first OCIN YOUNG (in alphabetical order of last name)

Jie Cao

Yiyong Zeng

Fuxiang Chen

Xiaoxiang Chen

Shenghao Ding

Yingkun He

Guangjian Li

Tian Lin

Dinglai Lin

Chao Liu

Fude Liu

Yunpeng Liu

Hao Lu

Guangdong Lu

Nurdong Maimaiti Aili

Xiangyu Meng

Shixing Su

Ming Wang

Pei Wu

Degang Wu

Pengfei Xing

Liang Xu

Lei Zhang

Meng Zhang

Tingbao Zhang

Yu Zhou

XiaoMing Zhou

Qiao Zuo