OCIN 2023|LIU Jianmin:How do we ensure that patients are fully recovered?That’s what we are always trying to do

The Oriental Conference on Interventional NeurovascologyOCIN),also the Academic Annual Meeting of the Stroke Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, hosted by the Shanghai Medical Association and the Stroke Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, will be held at the Shanghai International Conference Center from October 19 to 22, 2023.

The Oriental Conference on Interventional Neurovascology (OCIN), concurrently serving as the Academic Annual Meeting of the Stroke Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, is scheduled to take place at the Shanghai International Conference Center from October 19 to 22, 2023. Hosted by the Shanghai Medical Association and the Stroke Branch, the conference promises to be a significant event in the field.

In an interview conducted on the eve of OCIN 2023, Professor Liu Jianmin, the conference chairman from the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, elaborated on the conference's highlights. Reflecting on the conference's development history spanning over 20 years, he shared both his aspirations and the initial objectives he set throughout the years.

What kinds of values have motivated you and your team to consistently go above and beyond?”

It is the initial intention of wanting to cure patients.


Firstly , could you please elaborate on the current prominent themes in the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular disorders, both within the country and on the global scale, particularly focusing on the emerging trends in neurointerventional technology development?

The field of neurointerventional theory has not only matured but is consistently exploring novel ideas, encompassing everything from hemorrhage to ischemia, from initial intervention to preventive measures. It has evolved into a vital frontline tool for treating cerebrovascular disorders, extending its applications beyond classic cerebrovascular accidents. The current state of neurointerventional technology development reflects maturity, with advancements in brain-computer interface technology, neurotrauma, neurotumor treatment, robotics, and intravenous interventional cerebrospinal fluid shunting reaching the clinical verification stage. This suggests a burgeoning landscape of opportunities in the field.


What would OCIN2023 present, taking into account the foregoing advances and the state of neurointerventional technology in China?

Professor LIU Jianmin:

Firstly, this conference will continue to showcase the latest clinical research findings, cutting-edge advancements, and advanced technologies in neurointerventional therapy. Distinguished experts in cerebrovascular disease, both domestic and international, are invited to Shanghai to collaborate on innovative solutions for unresolved common issues.

Secondly, the conference aims to strengthen collaboration with international organizations such as the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS) and the European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT). The goal is to explore ways to leverage the wealth of cases and extensive clinical experience of surgeons in China. These efforts will involve undertaking more international scientific research projects, elevating the standard of clinical research, and providing the global medical community with high-quality clinical evidence-based medicine from China.

Thirdly, the conference will organize training sessions and invite senior specialists to interpret challenging and complex cases, offering clinical practice recommendations tailored to the needs of clinicians at various levels. To highlight the latest ideas and technology, concurrent live surgical demonstrations will emphasize standards and provide instructional insights.


What kinds of values have motivated you and your team to consistently go above and beyond in these years?

Professor LIU Jianmin:

I believe the fundamental goal is to heal patients, regardless of the challenges.

It is our duty as physicians to strive for better outcomes. However, the reality is that we cannot successfully treat every patient, and there will always be cases where relief is unattainable. Faced with such situations, a responsible physician inevitably seeks to delve into the study of incurable diseases, unmet clinical needs, and how homogeneity levels can be elevated. In my perspective, this pursuit aligns with the initial purpose of our training and standardization.

Simultaneously, medicine is a branch of natural science. Once communication, training, and frontier discoveries reach a certain point, it becomes imperative to share information and experiences. Likewise, doctors worldwide, including those in China, need a platform for communication. We established the OCIN platform with this purpose in mind.


Have you faced challenges in following through on and putting your initial goals into practice?If so, how did you resolve them?

Professor LIU Jianmin:

Certainly, challenges will arise, but the key lies in facing them head-on.

This is a mantra I often share with myself, my children, and my students: merely having an original goal is insufficient; the pivotal factor is the action you take. Dedicate yourself and give your best effort in the present moment. Your life becomes remarkable when you seize the opportunities in each stage of it.

Reflecting on it, whether it's sports, reading, or staying active, this proactive approach has been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. It has remained true in every phase of my life, and I find enduring inspiration in it.