OCIN 2023 Successful Conclusion

On October 22, 2023, the 23rd Oriental Conference of Interventional Neurovascology (OCIN 2023) and the Academic Annual Meeting of the Stroke Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association were successfully concluded, with all academic schedules completed. It was a successful and fulfilling conclusion!

" Three days pass quickly, and three days are brief. As OCIN's first all-offline conference held after the conclusion of a three-year-long epidemic, we rediscover our passion for the profession within it. I can truly sense the heartfelt enthusiasm for communication from both domestic and international attendees. Thanks to the support of all participating experts and the hard work of all behind-the-scenes and front-of-house staff, we were able to present a magnificent event through communication, collaboration, standardization, and innovation. "

Chairman of the conference, Professor Liu Jianmin from the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University said so in his closing remarks.

The conference spanned 3 days with a registration count of 2,387 participants. It engaged 452 cerebrovascular physicians from around the world, who actively participated in hosting, discussing, and sharing insights. Across 10 carefully arranged offline venues, 35 academic forums and 276 presentations were thoughtfully presented. 10 domestic centers collectively showcased 15 live surgical demonstrations. Moreover, 22 international experts from North America, Europe, and other regions delivered 62 high-quality lectures covering a diverse range of academic fields, including intracranial aneurysms, acute ischemic stroke, cerebral artery stenosis, cerebrovascular malformations, hydrocephalus, venous diseases, brain tumors, brain-machine interfaces, and various other medical domains.

The Master Forum and Special Speech Forums brought together renowned experts from both domestic and international arenas to explore the trends in neurointervention. The discussions covered a wide range of topics, including medical warnings for cerebral aneurysms, intravascular brain-machine interfaces, micro-neurosurgery, endovascular interventions for brain gliomas, endovascular shunting device treatment for hydrocephalus, intravascular stent implantation for idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and the preliminary exploration of high-frequency Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in the fields of coronary and neurointervention.

The clinical trial results of the neurointerventional robot are exciting, marking a significant breakthrough. This important invention will unleash even greater value in the future of healthcare, profoundly impacting the lives and well-being of patients.

Both the Academic Annual Meeting of the Stroke Specialty Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association and the Yangtze River Delta Alliance Annual Meeting of the Cerebrovascular Disease Specialty Alliance were successfully held. Experts from the association and members of the alliance collectively reviewed the achievements of the past year and outlined future development plans. The Center for Cardiovascular Innovations (CCI) and the Oriental Cerebrovascular Innovation Club (OCI) have jointly inaugurated the second training course of the eighth phase of the Innovation Academy. This session delved deep into clinical pain points, contributing to the advancement of original research in China on a global scale.

Considering the extensive successful practical experience in neurointerventional clinical treatment, it is noteworthy that innovative treatment choices lack conclusive support from evidence-based medicine. In response to this, the OCEAN Consortium (Oriental Collaboration group on Emerging Advanced therapy for Neurovascular diseases) initiated four MT series studies—ENCHANTED-3/MT study, AEDH-MT study, PARAT-MT study, and AVM-MT study—presented before both domestic and international experts.

The OCIN YOUNG launch event was formally inaugurated during the closing ceremony in the presence of attending experts. Distinguished professors from nine domestic neurointerventional hospitals were introduced as mentors for the 29 selected young medical trainees from various domestic hospitals. Certifications were issued to the trainees during the ceremony.

Beyond providing a platform for international and local neurointerventional experts to foster mutual understanding and collaboration, OCIN 2023 sets the foundation for the widespread adoption and progress of neurointerventional technology in China. The venue, agenda, expert invitations, and conference format design all indicate OCIN's commitment to establishing a communication platform genuinely conducive to the advancement of neurointerventional technology in China. This dedication truly instills optimism for the future of OCIN.