BALT OCIN2021 Academic Content Review



New Techniques & Devices

Enter the Dragon: Hybrid Microguidewire

At this conference, the Microguidewire "hybrid" from Balt made its first public appearance at the new technology and new product forum. Professor Lu Ming of Tiantan Hospital shared his unique experiences with hybrid microguidewires. Prof. Lu Ming used his expert technology to break through the complex anatomical structures with his "Hybrid 1214DA" which has a double-angle-shaped tip and a pre-molded tip end. Those classic cases are impressive. Balt hopes that this revolutionary product will relieve more patients suffering from cerebrovascular disease.

AVF Master Link

In the online forum broadcast on October 22, German Professor Rene Chapot and five China professors Yi Xu, DongLei, Song, Qiang Li, YueQi Zhu, and Hua Lu discussed the complications in the endovascular treatment of dural fistulae. Professor Chapot shared his years of experience treating the DAVF in combination with specific cases. Professor Chapot recommended paying attention to embolization, staging, and arterial venous protection. In addition, non-adhesive liquid embolic agents with lower viscosity and density are being suggested as new materials for vein occlusion.

Aneurysm Forum

Braided Stents: Advantages, Selection, and Technical Analysis

On October 23, professor Zhao Rui from Changhai Hospital presented a detailed explanation of the intracranial self-expandable braided stent at the aneurysm forum. As a starting point, this presentation compared the similarities and differences in the design of different braided stents. It also discussed the selection of stents, procedure details, antiplatelet regimen, and other essential issues.