Coming Soon! OCIN Webinars Ⅻ — Aspiration Thrombectomy Development and Future

We will invite professors Aquilla S. Turk, Zhongrong Miao, Jianmin Liu and Pengfei Yang to discuss the topic of Aspiration Thrombectomy Development and its future.

Objective:Aspiration Thrombectomy Development and Future

Date:2022-3-24 19:00-21:00

Presenter:Aquilla S. Turk,Zhongrong Miao,Jianmin Liu,Pengfei Yang

Moderator:Yu Zhou


  1. How to decide the treatment strategy(i.e asipation or stent retriever) in patient with AIS?
  2. Technical consideration in Aspiration,how to fast navigate the large bore catheter? Concurrent usage of balloon guiding catheter and stent retriever?
  3. Managing potential problems in aspiration thrombectomy, when and how?
  4. What is the ideal design/ future for aspiration thrombectomy