On October 22, 2021, during the Oriental Conference of Interventional Neuroradiology (OCIN2021), LATE-MT (Large Artery Occlusion Treated in Extended Time with Mechanical Thrombectomy), a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled clinical study of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients with thrombectomy exceeding the therapeutic window led by Professor Jianmin Liu's team at the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Military Medical University, a key project of the National Health Care Commission Capacity Building and Continuing Education Center in 2021 was launched worldwide.

The launching ceremony was hosted by Prof. Yongwei Zhang of the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University. Prof. Jianmin Liu, Vice President Liao, Prof. Jianfei Zhao, Prof. Tianxiao Li , Prof. Bo Hong, Prof. Jiyue Wang, Prof. Ya Peng, Prof. Sheng Liu, Prof. Wenhuo Chen, Prof. Pengfei Yang and other experts attended the ceremony to witness the launch of this landmark clinical study in the field of " Beyond Therapeutic Window" thrombectomy tteatment.

Promoting Chinese Innovation with High-quality Evidence-based Research

The treatment of AIS patients is time-dependent. However, the median time of pre-hospital delay for stroke patients in China is 15 hours, so it is an important challenge for stroke treatment in China to gain more time for the treatment of AlS patients and improve the treatment effect.

The LATE-MT study was initiated in response to the need. 40-60 centers will be recruited nationwide to enroll patients with large vessel occlusion AIS with mismatched clinical images whose onset time or last normal therapeutic time window exceeded 24 hours to combine with drug therapy or drug therapy alone to explore the safety and efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy over therapeutic windows.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Military Medical University led the successful direct-MT clinical research, which has made important contributions to promoting the clinical research of cerebrovascular disease prevention and treatment in China to reach the international advanced level and leading the new direction of stroke treatment in the world.

On the occasion of the launch of LATE-MT, Professor Jianmin Liu said that it is the important responsibility of clinicians to continuously innovate in clinical diagnosis, treatment and scientific research, optimize clinical practice and benefit patients. In recent years, new technologies, new drugs and new instruments have been emerging in the field of cerebrovascular in China, but we must carry out high-quality evidence-based research if we really want to go global.

Through direct-MT and other studies, many of the questions we faced in the past have been answered.Beyond therapeutic window treatment has become one of the hot spots in stroke treatment. Compared with developed countries in Europe and The United States, due to regional differences in medical treatment environment, the proportion of patients with large vessel occlusion AIS over 24 hours in China is higher. Therefore, Relevant studies on beyond therapeutic window thrombectomy are of great significance for establishing diagnosis and treatment standards for AIS patients in China, improving clinical treatment capacity, saving patients' lives and improving patients' quality of life.

Globally, since 2015, high-level evidence-based evidence for the clinical treatment of AIS patients has been accumulating, and the evolution of clinical strategies for stroke patients in different Therapeutic Windows (0-24 hours) has continuously supported the updating of clinical guidelines and expert consensus.

It is believed that late-MT will also provide important Chinese evidence-based data for the treatment of stroke patients in the world.

Live up to the Patient, Live up to the Times

Every minute counts for the treatment of stroke patients, and exploring thrombectomy beyond the therapeutic window means giving hope to more AIS patients. Late-MT study was designed to explore the treatment criteria and strategies for patients with AIS over a 24-hour time window.

"24 hours" not only represents the treatment and care for more patients, but also represents the progress of the times, the development of science and technology, and the continuous exploration and progress of medical technology.

Just like the project logo designed by LATE-MT research team, which combines time display and thrombectomy, the colors are blue and red, representing veins and arteries, symbolizing the integration of l-MT research with science and technology, and expressing the determination and feelings of the research team, who make every minute live up to the patients and the times.